Part-Time Hifz Program
We understand that some students may be unable to commit to the full-time Hifz program. Therefore, IIE has introduced the part-time Hifz class, geared towards this audience.
- Our part-time classes for the boys take place on weekdays at 1290 Bluff City Blvd, Elgin, IL 60120, (Mon-Fri) from 6 PM to 8 PM.
Our qualified Nadhira and Hifz teachers work diligently to serve these students.
Registration Fees (payable once only, to be paid on the day of the first registration) $30
Security Deposit (refundable, to be paid on the day of the first registration) $200
Annual Tuition Fees $1560.00
1290 Bluff City Blvd, Elgin IL 60120