Tahfiz Program

Full-Time Taḥfīẓ Program (integrated with High School)

The Taḥfīẓ Program is a pre-secondary and secondary program designed to help its students memorize the entire Noble Qur’an. Previously restricted to only Qur’anic memorization, it is now integrated with the standard curriculum offered in middle and high schools through an online virtual school.

With the blessings of Allah, we have produced more than 200 Huffaz since the school was established in 1989. Most graduating Huffaz go on to lead Ramadan prayers and teach Qur’an in their local mosques and schools.

Not only do our students attend their daily Qur’an classes, but are also provided extracurricular classes on fundamental Islamic education, ethics, and advanced tajweed.


Registration Fees (payable once only, to be paid on the day of the first registration) $50
Security Deposit (refundable, to be paid on the day of the first registration) $300

Annual Tuition Fees

  • Hifz and academics, $4800
  • Hifz only, $4200

Annual Boarding Fee (The boarding fee includes accommodation and three meals a day.) $5460

Daily Class Schedule

Monday – Friday

  • Hifz (morning classes, 1st shift): 8.00 AM to 11.30 AM
  • Islamic Studies and PE: 11.30 AM to 1.00 PM,
  • Zuhar and Lunch: 1.00 PM to 2.00 PM
  • Hifz (evening classes, 2nd shift): 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM
  • Break: 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM
  • Academics: 5.00 PM to 8.00 PM


  • 8.00 AM to 1.00 PM (Hifz, Islamic Studies and PE)
  • Last Saturday of the month: Closed

Part-Time Taḥfīẓ Program

We understand that some students may be unable to commit full-time. Therefore, IIE has introduced a part-time class, geared towards this audience.

  • Our part-time classes for the boys take place on weekdays at 1290 Bluff City Blvd, Elgin, IL 60120, (Mon-Fri) from 6 PM to 8 PM.

Our qualified Nadhira and Hifz teachers work diligently to serve these students.


Registration Fees (payable once only, to be paid on the day of the first registration) $30
Security Deposit (refundable, to be paid on the day of the first registration) $200
Annual Tuition Fees $1560.00


1290 Bluff City Blvd, Elgin IL 60120